As we reflect on our 2022 season and begin planning for 2023, we are amazed by and so appreciative of what you–our donors, volunteers, and performers, plus the help of the Sandisfield Cultural Council–made possible this season. Many of our programs were offered at no cost, such as the Voices of Poetry Poetry Program with Molly Peacock and other award-winning poets and the special showing of the award-winning “Down with the King” film starring Sandisfield and Sandisfield’s own Bob Tarasuk.
We were thrilled to launch the Daniel Manacher Young Artists Award with the help of generous donors and Daniel’s family. You can see the winners here.
With your help, we hope to provide just as rich an array of offerings next year, fulfilling our mission “to preserve our historic building and provide cultural and educational programs to our community.” Doing this when attendance is still affected by Covid-19 is no small feat: artists and performers must be paid; the building must be lighted, heated and maintained; and costs are always rising. We appreciate your 2022 donations and of course are happy if you want to get us off to a good start in 2023 with a donation in any amount on the Donate page.
Thanks to our 2022 donors (listed here) – we couldn’t do it without you.
Please take a moment to look back on all that you and others made possible for the Sandisfield Arts Center to present in 2022–hopefully many programs that you were able to enjoy, volunteer at, or be part of. We are interested in what you’d like to see more (or less!) of in 2023, you can email us at [email protected] with your thoughts. Check out our Volunteer page if you’d like to get involved to help make 2023 another success.
And please check back here in March or early April to see what we have planned for 2023!